Who is Jeny Villacreces?

Jeny Villacreces Fashion Designer

Jeny, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far”
I was born in Cali, Colombia and since very little, I always liked to change the dolls original dresses to my own style. Then when I was a teen, the clothing in Colombia was very expensive so I would make my friends skirts and shirts and with the fabric that I had left, I would then make my own. I graduated from school and studied fashion design that has always been my passion my whole life. Before I could make my dreams come true, I had to work at a radial group and they game me the opportunity to study marketing, the dream of making my own brand had to be in standby for a while.

One day, I let go of the heels and the briefcase and changed them by a few yards of fabric, sewing machine and scissors. I had a company that was called Juana Vi Uniforms that was dedicated to couture of medicine uniforms, with great achievement until my life brought me to the US to start from the beginning and with my bag full of dreams. I noticed that here in Florida, bikinis sold more rather than medical uniforms. I started doing alterations, I did a few bikinis that I gave to a few models that I found on Instagram. The models comments about how the quality was of them and their design were the point of reference to start navigating this adventure. I don’t know English fluently but everyday I learn more and get better at it and my daughter has always been fundamental support. I’ve had my down moments where I tell myself I have the talent, the wish and the need of going forward because the challenges that we give ourselves are the ones that only we can achieve. Today, we have a big followers on Instagram, we are generating employment and reinventing the quality theme because here in the US, you can produce and produce with a better quality compared to the companies that make it in Asia. We are doing what very few people do, “ Doing what we love “.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
My biggest challenge has been the language and if I wouldn’t be a designer and a professional at marketing trust me on that it wouldn’t be the same. My experience in both topics gave me the capacity in making the difficult impossible challenges.

So let’s switch gears a bit and go into the Water Queen Swim story. Tell us more about the business.
Every piece that we do, we do it as if it were the first or the only one. We don’t do the job of a factory. We don’t do quantity, we do quality, we have studied the women’s body and we have combined her different structures according to her different origins because we sell to parts of the world so that every each and one of them are satisfied. We are staying up to trend and adjusting it to our style and design.

Has luck played a meaningful role in your life and business?
I believe that luck doesn’t exist and I think that you have to prepare yourself academically to achieve your goals. Take advantage of every opportunity and to be a good element in your personal life helping those who need it most and in your professional life, respecting your clients because a satisfied client is your best ally and with your team paying a fair salary and never letting go of your family and time well spent with them.